How to Install Neon Lights Under a Car

by Priscilla

Buying a silicone neon strip may sound like a great idea, but it also depicts experience. There are several other types of lighting options you can choose from. Therefore, for you to choose Neon Lights, it means some kind of expertise. You have either seen a Neon light work sometime in the past or you saw it on the Internet and loved it. Whichever option, you have not made a wrong choice to choose Neon Lights, you have only made a technical choice. Silicone neon lights are an excellent lighting option, but depending on what you need them for, they have a complex installation procedure. If you need the light for personal use, installing it is easy. You can do that on your own. But if you need the Neon light for other purposes like installing them under your car, you have more complex procedures. Mostly, it is better to hire an expert to help you install. Of course, you can do it on your own, but it has its risks.

You may manage to install it properly using DIY techniques and a bit of previous technical knowledge. The only problem is that it may not be a safe option. There are delicate areas within your vehicle that you should not have a light installed, else you will be calling for trouble. In this guide, we will explain how to Properly install your Neon light under your car. Note: you should not try any of these steps if you do not have the right tools or technical knowledge. Let’s get into the steps

Get the necessary Neon light kit for your car

Remove the battery to ensure electrical safety

Installing lights under your car is an electric work. The electric power in your car comes from the batteries, so you may want to take care of that first. Remove the battery totally to ensure there are no mistakes.

Pick the best spot for your Neon light

Your Neon light can stay anywhere you want in your car. There are some exceptions for Safety purposes. It should not be around the brakes, electrical components or the fuel area. Putting the Neon lights around this area is like calling for trouble. Any areas apart from these listed ones, and you are good to go.

Jack up your vehicle with the equipment

Regardless of wherever you decide to place your Neon lights, you need to start working from beneath the car. Depending on how high your car is, your whole body may fit under your car. But it is always better to jack up the car before you work. You want to try to make the Neon tubes discreet by placing them on the chassis under.


Once you have your Neon tubes fixed you can go ahead to drill holes for the light at your desired location and fix them accordingly. After that, set up the transformer of the Neon lights in the engine Connect connect transformer as described in the user guide. Once you have finished all these steps, it is safe to connect to the battery and enjoy your Neon lights.

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