What Are Your Prototype Options for Plastic Prototyping?

by Priscilla

There is definitely no exhaustive list of viable prototyping methods in the plastic prototype manufacturing market because there are endless methods you can use to build prototypes. What you can do, however, is grasp the useful list of the common plastic prototyping methods, coupled with the best practice tips which play a major role in helping you maximize the prototyping and testing sessions. When you arm yourself with the common methods, you can quickly begin to have that iterative process of creating prototypes to empathize with consumers and decide on the ideas before testing for solutions.

Before looking at anything else, it is important to examine the testing process of prototypes. Also, it would be best if you were keen on the four key exemplary components of prototyping as well as testing, regardless of the method you decide to use.

Elements of Prototyping

Objects – this includes interactive and static elements including the prototypes as well as other additional objects

Interactions- this includes digital and physical elements between people and locations

The people- this includes people who are involved in testing as well as the observers

Location- this covers places and environments


When building and testing a prototype, you should always remember the key elements. For example, if you are testing it in the laboratory, go over the fact that it can stimulate your environment within which the design will engage users.

Take note of the additional objects that your prototype shall be used with. When working on a task, will the consumers wear gloves or just have their hands full altogether? What kind of implications would it have on the utilization of products and services in the long run?

With the four primary components of prototype testing in mind, you can go ahead and look at the other common methods you can make use of.  

Paper Interfaces

This is a very brief and quick outlook on paper prototyping and testing, particularly for modern web interfaces, as an initial part of the center design process. The process is ideal for a professional involved in the creation of webs and other screen interfaces.

Digital products such as mobile apps and websites require you to create a broad range of different prototyping methods before the final design. You can always create a variety of paper interfaces by drawing them in sketches and cutting out the unusable parts of the user interface.

Lego Prototypes

Lego refers to a staple of a kid’s toy box. It is versatile with the ability to spark vivid imaginations in a user.

As a designer, it would be important to take advantage of the design’s ubiquity, coupled with its versatility in creating a quick and simple prototype of the idea.

One of the best parts of using Lego in building your prototypes is the fact that they eventually become easy to tweak. It, therefore, means that you can simply detach an element of your prototype and swap it with a different design.

You can also play with the design and decide if it works or not.

Physical Models

Sometimes, the end result is a product with a lot of viability in the market. In this case, you can use a broad range of different materials in building mock-ups for exams.

You can also use a couple of raw materials, like cardboard, foam, as well as paper, to repurpose the objects in your surrounding and build physical models.

 Other than that, a physical model can be used to bring out a tangible idea. This allows for better testing with the users. It can also spark constructive discussions regarding the form factor of a solution.

Final Thoughts

Different technologies are used in the manufacture of plastic prototypes. When prototyping, you should pay attention to the four key elements highlighted in the blog post. The factors will impact the results of your prototype work.

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